TMJ Specialist

High Line Dentistry

Tema Starkman, DDS

Cosmetic Dentistry & General Dentistry located in Chelsea, New York, NY

Your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects your jawbone to your skull as a sliding hinge. But between wear-and-tear, constant clenching, and injuries, your jaw joint can cause discomfort. If you’re experiencing chronic pain, popping, or other TMJ-related symptoms, Tema Starkman, DDS, of High Line Dentistry offers innovative treatments in her Chelsea office, located in Lower Manhattan, New York. Book your TMJ evaluation online or call the office to speak with a team member directly.


Why do I have TMJ?

Temporomandibular joint disorders, also known as TMJ or TMD, are some of the most common causes of facial pain. You can experience pain or other issues in your jaw joint due to:

  • Long-term grinding or clenching, known as bruxism
  • Eroding of the shock-absorbing protective disc
  • Cartilage deterioration due to arthritis
  • Trauma or injury

You may also struggle with TMJ or TMD because of connective tissue diseases that can lead to gradual problems, as well as fibromyalgia.

What are the symptoms of TMJ?

The symptoms you experience with TMJ or TMD vary depending on the cause. One of the primary complaints of TMJ and TMD sufferers is facial pain and tenderness under your cheeks and near your temples, where your jaw joint connects. You may also experience:

  • Lockjaw
  • Jaw popping
  • Aching in and around your ear

TMJ and TMD can affect just one side of your face or both sides. But in either case, no matter how minor or sporadic your symptoms seem, you can get the care you need at High Line Dentistry.

How is TMJ treated?

Dr. Starkman offers a wide variety of TMJ and TMD treatment solutions. Packages are based on your needs and the severity of your symptoms. Your jaw joint treatment plan may include:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • Lavage (flushing) of the joint
  • Corticosteroid injections
  • Custom night guards
  • Daily jaw stretches
  • Botox® injections
  • Physical therapy
  • Oral splints

Dr. Starkman also spends time talking with you about the foods you eat. Certain foods, including some raw fruits and veggies, add stress and strain on your jaw joint and need to be avoided or cooked to soften them up.

If these conservative therapies aren’t enough, or if your TMJ or TMD continues to worsen, Dr. Starkman may recommend surgery. Arthroscopic TMJ surgery, which is minimally invasive, involves repairing or replacing parts of your jaw joint if you have a structural problem. No matter the cause, rest assured, you can get the TMJ and TMD relief you need at High Line Dentistry.

Before living another day with TMJ pain, get started on treatment at High Line Dentistry. You can book your TMJ evaluation online or over the phone.